Love You jdavis 2021/06/09 Hiya little darling. I know I've been really busy working on the computer system lately, and I'm sorry that i've been too busy for daddy-daughter time. I just wanted to send you a little email to tell you that I love you very much, precious little girl. It's just that the system's been having some big problems lately and I really need to get it all fixed up. If I don't the whole system could go down, and then everyone would lose all their files. You would even lose your diary. Shhh, don't worry, I won't tell anyone else about it, and I haven't read it. I just saw it during maintenance, is all. While I was working on the system I decided to change my password, so I made it the year you were born, because that was the happiest year of my life. You really should put a password on your account soon. I know it's hard to think of one but it's bad for security if you don't have one. It creates an attack vector by which a determined hacker could compromise the whole system. I'll explain all what that means later, cutie pie. Love, Daddy